Commands and Features

Moderation Features:

Blacklist/Antiswear System

NoodleMod has a built in Antiswear system that will delete a message if they said a word that is on the blacklist. If you set the blacklist logging channel, it will send their original message to that channel, and it will also be logged as a bonk.


  • bonks @user: display a users blacklist infractions

  • rbonk @user: remove the most recent bonk from a user

  • clearbonks @user: clear all of the users bonks

  • blacklist: display the blacklist in an embed that is deleted after 20 seconds

Warning System

NoodleMod also has a warning system that can come in useful for servers. In order to warn someone, you must have manage messages permission. Command usage is below, but you can track and give warnings to users upon any rule breaking


  • warn @user <reason>: warns a user for the specified reason and sends the user a message with the reason

  • warns @user: displays a users warns

  • rwarn @user: removes the most recent warn from a user

  • clearwarns @user: clears all of the users warns

Basic Moderation

NoodleMod also has the basic moderation things like a kick, a ban, and a mute system, also a bulk delete system.


  • clear #: clears the past # of messages from the channel

  • kick @user: removes a member from the server

  • ban @user: bans a member from the server

  • NOTE ON THE MUTE COMMAND: you are going to have to manually make a mute role and disable the speaking permission in the channels where muteds cannot speak

  • mute @user: mutes a user

  • unmute @user: unmutes a user

  • mute @user <time>: mutes a user for the specified amount of time. Time units are (1ms, 1s, 1m, 1h, 1d, 1w)

  • dm @user <message content>: dm a user with the message content

  • nuke: nukes the channel

Server and User Interaction

There are many ways for server owners/staff and users to interact. Some of these ways are polls, events, giveaways, and other things!


  • giveaway #channel <duration> <NumOfWinners> <prize>: starts a giveaway in the channel specified, for the time specified, with the prize specified, and the specified number of winners

  • poll <yes or no question>: sends an embed in the channel with two reactions, starts a basic yes or no poll

  • report: lets users report things which is sent into the appchannel if that is set

  • suggest: lets users suggest things which is sent into the appchannel if that is set

  • apply: lets users apply for roles which is sent into the appchannel if that is set

Server Configuration (Welcome, Channels, Roles, Settings)


  • set appchannel #channel: sets the mentioned channel as the application channel

  • set blacklist on/off: toggle the blacklist on or off

  • set modlog #channel: sets the mentioned channel as where mod actions will be sent

  • set welcomechannel #channel: sets the mentioned channel as where welcome messages will be sent

  • set autorole(Num1-10) @role: sets the mentioned role as the 1st-10th autorole depending on the number that you mentioned

  • set autorole(Num 1-10) none: removes the autorole for the 1st-10th autorole you had set

  • set welcomecolor <#colorid>: sets the colorid mentioned as the color for welcome messages

  • set blacklistlog #channel: sets the mentioned channel as where blacklist infractions are sent

  • set prefix <prefix>: sets the serverwide prefix to something else

  • set muterole @role: set the mentioned role as the mute role

  • set levelignore(Num1-10) #channel: sets it so levelling doesnt work in mentioned channel
  • set levelignore(Num1-10) none: removes that channel from disabled leveling
  • set levels on/off: toggle the levelling system
  • set levelrole(Num1-5) <required level> @role: Set a role reward for the specified level
  • set levelup #channel: none as the channel removes the channel. If no levelup channel is specified levelups will be sent in the message channel. Sets the levelup announcement channel.
  • set f off/on: sets the responds with F upon F to on or off. Set to on by default. 

Other Features:


NoodMod has a lot to offer on the entertainment front, the commands cover it all!


  • meme: sends a meme from r/dankmemes in that channel

  • meirl: sends a meme from r/meirl in that channel

  • hcmeme: sends a hermitcraft meme in that channel

  • joke: sends a dad joke in that channel

  • insult: sends an insult in that channel

  • ytsearch <search term>: searches youtube for the thing you specified and pastes the video result in the channel

  • there are also some animal commands like -cat, -dog, -cute, and -rabbit



  • play <song/playlist link >: joins your VC and starts playing a song, or if a song is already playing it adds the song to the queue

  • skip: skips the song playing instantly if you have manage messages, holds a vote skip if not.

  • stop: removes the bot from your channel

  • queue: displays the queue
  • pause: pauses the song
  • resume: resumes the song
  • filter [bassboost, 3d, echo, karaoke, nightcore, vaporwave, off]: applies the specified filter to the music!
  • loop: toggles the repeat mode. You can either loop a song, the queue, or turn the looping off.


NoodleMod offers a great leveling system complete with ranks, leaderboards, and level setting. 


  • level ***@user: displays a mentioned user's or your level in the server
  • lb: displays servers leaderboard
  • setlevel @user <level>: sets a users level

Configuration has the rest 



  • bal @user***: displays the balance of the mentioned user or your balance if no user is mentioned

  • inv: displays your inventory

  • beg: beg for coins

  • fish: go fishing

  • bake: bake some cookies

  • dep #/all: deposits amount of coins into your bank

  • with #/all: withdraws amount of coins from your bank

  • sell (item) #: sells the amount of the item specified

  • shop, shop 2: displays the pages of the shop

  • buy (item): buy items

  • share @user <amount>: share the amount of coins with another user

  • rob @user: steal from another user (security is buyable in the shops)

  • craft: make an art project that can be sold on etsy

  • jobs: see a list of the jobs

  • work: do your job

  • join: join a job

  • quit: quit your job

  • coinflip <prediction> <wager>: wager a certain amount of money on a coinflip

  • postmeme: posts a meme online and gives you some money in return

Reaction Roles: 


  • rrmsg <CONTENT> : Content should be something like "get your roles below!". This creates the initial message for your server, unfortunately at this time you can only have 1 message per server, which can be deleted at any time.
  • rr [emoji] <@Role> (Content to be displayed in message). This will edit the message created above and will enable that reaction role. The content to be displayed should not include an emoji, example: 
    -rr :checkmark: @Verified = I agree to all rules and will obey mods



  • weather <location>: displays the weather forecast for the specified location

  • botinfo: displays information about NoodleMod

  • botservers: displays all NoodleMod servers and their member counts 
  • embed: lets you create a custom embed in the channel
  • poll: Lets you create a poll, either y/n, or from 2-4 choice polls

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